So you can imagine my disappointment when the hubbub was over -- brace yourself -- yet another trade show display. And not even one sponsored directly by REFR itself, but by REFR's licensee in the British Isles, SPD International.
Even more disappointingly, it's not merely another trade show, but the same trade show that SPD International's very own Technical Director, Bob Hudson, showed SPD off at five years earlier. And not even in the form of a garishly painted automobile this time, but simply four large SPD panels, for all we know the same panels Isoclima showed off in Italy the last time we heard from that licensee.
Still, the SPD display is reported as being on the "short list" for some kind of "innovation" award, which I guess only goes to show that either the show's organizers have poor memories, or the 2003 showing of SPD was just that unmemorable. The latter seems unlikely though; who could forget the paint job on that car?
All of which brings me back to REFR's communication priorities. A trade show overseas that REFR has nothing, directly, to do with, that rates an official communication. Any sort of detail on actual product sales, even in aggregate, on the other hand, was explicitly decided at the last annual meeting as something not to be communicated.
Now back to our regularly scheduled doldrums.