"you really need to GET A LIFE!.....you freakin' loser." -- raftman007
"Every blog I have ever seen allows readers to comment. Why doesn't yours? ...That sort of tactic has had a name long before your cowardly effort came along. It is known as yellow journalism." -- kahler_manifold2Oh, yeah, there was some positive feedback as well, but that's not as much fun. I thought the Pulitzer nomination was a bit over the top anyhow.
This crap is so far outside the range of normal human behavior that you should be under professional care and observation....24 hours per day. You are in danger of doing something really dangerous to yourself or others." -- harvardbillpayer
However, all joking aside, I thought I would address a few serious criticisms brought up, relating to facts I've supposedly gotten wrong.
"REFR "strangely got no share of proceeds" from liquidation of SPDi. Entirely false, just read freely available documents."
The information was correct based upon information I had at the time. Subsequent new information was later noted.
"Victor Keen is on the payroll. At his law firm, not REFR."
Apparently we are supposed to believe Corporate Secretary is an unpaid position. You may believe that if you like, but I don't.
"Management has no profit incentive. What do you call all those shares they own?"
Hmm, the term "chicken feed" comes to mind for some reason. But seriously, they're practially obliged to hold some reasonable number of shares. There would simply be no case for anyone to buy the stock at all without that factor, and then how would they get financing for their next year of salaries?
"Visits to THV spots after intro of alter-lite window found no SPD product on display. Absolute lie. Comments of THV shareholder on the display were posted here."
This appears to be a valid correction, as far as it goes. At the same time, however, it was noted that Thermoview does virtually all of its sales over the phone rather than in-person at their stores, so an in-store display was not especially valuable.
"REFR does nothing to market SPD products. What does this liar think Mike LaPointe does? Write a blog that no one reads?"
Ah, I can feel the love. What Mike LaPointe does is market REFR stock, so if you want to call that a product then you may have a point. He'll also give a spiel (albeit sometimes an outdated one) to anyone who will print it free.
"Joe's motive is his salary. Yeah right. A guy with his Ivy League credentials could make at least a million bucks a year more with less aggravation at a New York law firm."
Yeah, but at the law firm he'd actually have to do things for people. I don't see at all what's "aggravating" about his job at REFR, unless you really don't like travelling around the country and the world at shareholder expense. Certainly the people who are ultimately paying him at REFR are a lot more understanding than your average legal client would be.
Additionally, claiming that these guys can pull down a million a year anytime they feel like it rather bears out my "chicken feed" remark, above.
There is something suspicious about IAS doing the roof for the Jeep Rescue (oooh shades of Soulard).
You're right, what was I thinking? There was nothing at all to worries that SPD Inc. might shut down.
Sjuan2 has no doubt changed his ID and starting posting under a new alias. More BS with no evidence.
The alternative would be that he got fed up with REFR's broken promises and walked away. I'd think you'd prefer my first explanation.
Memo to blogger, if you ever found out who you are trying to portray as a complete idiot, you might actually feel embarrassed.
From what I know of the REFR message board posters, most of them would rather die than let their identities be known. I'll let the reader decide who's actually embarrassed here.