Thursday, March 17, 2005


Joe Harary seems to have found the way to critic-proof his conference calls, and that is to speak in such a dull tone that it's next to impossible to listen to the whole thing and stay awake.

At any rate, in between bouts of unconsciousness I did hear snippets where he hangs on tenaciously to the idea of paying dividends (words fail), while admitting that they have no control over when or if the licensees will come out with products. (Something about the licensees being concerned about quality control -- the nerve!) There was also some discussion about last year's shutdown of SPD Inc. Best I could tell, Harary's story was that he basically seemed to have no idea what went wrong or why they chose to close up shop, much less why they couldn't have simply switched over to the "new" process for making SPD (actually developed in 1998).

Maybe a little more detail tomorrow.

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