Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Recommend if you think this is silly

This is another example of the type of silliness you see on the Yahoo boards a lot:

Recommend this Post - This post has 35 recommendations Ignore this User | Report Abuse
Reco this post if you
by: aa11000000
Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy
03/22/05 06:55 am
Msg: 194911 of 194925

Support RFI's licensees,SPD tech,it's management, the complete and total destruction of the shorts & the scum bashers that post here day and night.

While it's nice to see the shareholders support their company and hoping that those who bet against them fail, these kinds of "polls" are just abject silliness. So you have 35 accounts (representing at most 35 people -- who can say how many accounts some of these jokers have?) in the whole world rooting for REFR. La dee da. Yet for some reason some of these people take them seriously. In fact, one day a couple of weeks ago, the Yahoo message boards were having glitches (which continue to this day). In this case, recommendations were appearing and disappearing somewhat randomly from messages. This post was typical of the reaction:

RFI in Perspective -- Glitch
by: petrichgetrich
Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy
03/07/05 07:29 am
Msg: 194327 of 194926

Yesterday, when I looked, my "RFI in Perspective" post had 15 recommendations. Now it has none.

Either Yahoo has had a glitch or some desperate short has figured out how to play with the Recs. column -- most likely the latter.

Oh, and the punch line:

Recommend this post if you agree.


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