Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An early morning quarterly

The third quarter 10-Q came out very early this morning, bolstering the notion raised by some cynics that the failure of the company to file on the accelerated schedule deadline of Friday, might have been the result of an administrative snafu. (Monday, the SEC was closed for Veteran's Day, so this morning was the first opportunity to file after the 5:30pm Eastern deadline last Friday.)

The points that stand out from an initial reading:
  • Revenues were up, pretty much as expected, almost entirely as a result of the Hitachi "guaranteed access" deal. There had been a few questions as to whether the payments were truly guaranteed, but they seem to be at least being recorded on schedule. Although, given the rather similar bulge in receivables, it appears Hitachi had not, as of September, actually gotten around to cutting REFR a check as yet.
  • Losses for the quarter, however, were way up, mostly due to the company seemingly giving out stock options like candy to its employees. No less than $1.78 million worth of options expenses were recorded under operating and R&D expenses in the quarter, actually dwarfing all other expenses under those categories. One might well ask if a factor in the sharp decline of the past few weeks wasn't the result of employees cashing out some of these options!
  • On the licensee front, we learned that AGP has renegotiated some terms of its license. The only change spelled out in the filing was that REFR's royalty cut tripled from 5% to 15%. Why AGP would agree to such an arrangement, which would only hamper its competitiveness if there is to be a marketplace for SPD products, is something of a mystery. One gets the feeling the answer lies in the "other things" the filing did not specify.
  • Finally, were there product sales? This blogger has read through the filing twice and didn't find any definitive language one way or the other on the subject.
In summary, while not 100% business as usual this past quarter, the bottom line is that REFR remains nowhere near a profit. Better luck next quarter!

Update: A poster on Yahoo! came up with a theory on AGP that rings so true I'm surprised I didn't think of it. It makes perfect sense that each end-product licensee would be able to "buy" a lower royalty rate by agreeing to a minimum royalty payment. So, the increase in the rate strongly suggests that AGP is greatly lowering, or very likely, eliminating, its "minimum". Draw your own conclusions about AGP's confidence in the market for SPD products from that.

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