Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Got a match?

REFR st0ck was up 17% today. In news which may or may not be connected, licensee SPD Control Systems announced that it had received a "matching funds contract" from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.

I say "may or may not" because this news has thus far received no publicity outside of the Yahoo! message boards. Additionally, it's a little hard to see just how this directly benefits REFR, since whatever money is collected should supposedly be going to SCSC, not REFR.

The spin seems to be that this contract represents some kind of endorsement by the State of New York of SPD as the Energy-Saving Technology of the Future™, but, given that that the projects SCSC is working on don't actually themselves incorporate SPD, nor are they even necessarily dependent upon SPD, that seems more than a little bit of a stretch.

So basically today's action seems to have as its motivation "It Is News And Therefore We Must Buy". We'll see how far that gets today's buyers.

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