"We expect that the next generation film will be available in mass production starting in January 2005."It is now June, and this has still not happened.
But this is no case of "something went wrong". This is a case of "something was wrong", as in, Harary all but had to have known that the above prediction would not come to pass, and that he in fact had no reason to "expect" any such thing.
Consider this quote from an email dated 1/20/05, more than two months after the Harary Glasstec interview, from Tadao Kurosawa, president and CEO of REFR licensee Hitachi Chemical:
"....Hitachi Chemical Ltd. is one of RFI licensee for SPD emlusion and Film. They have just installed all equipment for SPD coating pilot line in one of our facilities in Japan. And they are trying to coat SPD film as test-run. I do not know exactly how long to take a time for this test -run, two,three months. I hope this test run will be done succesfully not so taking a time. After this completion we will start sampling our SPD film to RFI licensees. This is our current status for SPD project."
Mediocre English notwithstanding, the implication is clear: at the time Harary gave that interview and made the above statement, Hitachi, by all accounts the lead company as far as establishing a source for "next generation" SPD film, did not even have equipment installed for testing purposes(!) Given Kurosawa's additional admission that test runs tend to take months, and it becomes absolutely clear that Harary's January timeframe was entirely unattainable based on information Harary himself had easy access to and quite simply should have known.
You want to get snowed... Ask Joe.
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