Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Glasstec and the four-month (and counting) gap

Today, another item from the N. Dixon files. (In light of current events, I think maybe I should be calling myself Threep Doat.)

This one is one that I am frankly surprised that REFR's promoters would be willing to still bring up, given what it contains.

The item in question is a videotaped interview Joe Harary gave at the Glasstec industry show last November. This is a direct link to the Windows Media file recording of that interview.

There are three main highlights to the short presentation.

The first is the inevitable demonstration of SPD in action. This, I am certain, has been practiced many times so it is little surprise that it comes off flawlessly. If there is one thing REFR knows how to do, it is demos.

Somewhere near the midpoint of the interview, Harary references a study indicating a growth rate in the demand for "smart glass" over a five-year period. What Harary "forgets" to mention is, the study, and therefore, the beginning of the five-year period, was in 2000, so that in fact the growth he was citing had already occurred. And poor SPD got left out.

The final highlight was towards the end of the interview. The inevitable question of when this fantastic SPD technology would be available arose. Harary, in typical hedging fashion, suggested January as a likely date.

Well, it is now June and next-generation SPD is nowhere to be found. (High hopes remain that a big announcement is being saved for this year's annual shareholder meeting; we'll see.) But worse than that, evidence subsequently arose that indicates that Harary almost certainly knew that a January time frame was an impossibility at the time he gave that interview.

More tomorrow!

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