Friday, April 01, 2005

Foolery of all types

On April Fools' Day, I thought it only fitting to highlight one of REFR's more vocal and frequent critics of recent days. He is Bill Mann, senior editor at the Motley Fool, a long-running website dedicated to financial education.

Mann's interest in REFR appears to simply one of fascination, about how a company with such a dreadful history of performance combined with such a lofty valuation relative to the fundamentals, could have such a zealous following. Indeed, even in articles where REFR is far from the main focus, such as this one, he still manages to draw all kinds of fire from those who seem to have no other purpose than to smear him.

The accusations he mentions hearing that he is part of some vast conspiracy involving short sellers and/or hedge funds are real; I've read them myself. To listen to some of these clowns, citing Manuel Asensio favorably is practically a jailable offense.

Pity they don't have much of a sense of humor. Then they might realize the joke is on them.

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