Monday, October 29, 2007

Marketing worldwide, but not to you

You might think that with the amount of self-marketing REFR does, that they would one day they or one of their licensees would come out with a release that didn't contain a clear howler in it somewhere.

Today, with the release by licensee American Glass Products, is not that day.

To be sure, it starts out promisingly enough, talking about the launching of a new product line, complete with a global marketing campaign. It certainly sounds like REFR has finally gotten a licensee to step up and take the lead in presenting SPD to the world.

But then you get into the details. The campaign kickoff, which one might expect to be a big, splashy affair to really get things going... is in fact a trade show. Yes, another one.

But all right, you might say, a campaign has to start somewhere. At least they're getting out there in front of the public and... oh, wait:
The SEMA Show is for automotive industry professionals and is not open to the public.
So once again we have an example of SPD "marketing" seemingly designed to be as obscure as possible to the general consumer, while showing up prominently on the radar of what seems to be their true customer base, that of the speculative investor.

Welcome readers

This blog is honored to have been mentioned in an release on REFR today. As the author of this blog I have attempted to provide as much insight into this, well, unique company, and am proud to see my efforts recognized.

The entry referenced in the release regarding the Setra demonstration may be found here. But I encourage you to browse this site at your leisure for all kinds of little nuggets on Woodbury's longest-running profitless public company.