Friday, December 01, 2006

Private board engages in auto fellatio

A new clue may have surfaced in response to the mystery of the newsless spike in the price of REFR stock a month ago, by way of explaining the similar short-lived spike experienced this week. Apparently someone with a bearish view of the stock has managed to infiltrate one of the "private boards" REFR shareholders use to share "information" (read: rumors and speculation) free of annoyances such as requests for supporting evidence and other fiendish acts of skepticism.

This infiltrator came public with information that the most recent hype on the board related to the Los Angeles Auto Show, where, the rumor had it, an auto manufacturer was going to unveil SPD as an official feature of one of their vehicles. Details were sketchy, and there remains the open question of how this would be any more of a big deal than the last time SPD showed up at at auto show, but expecting strong logic from this company's shareholder base has long proven futile.

Shortly after that report came out, another poster quickly noticed that the last spike coincided with the SEMA show in Las Vegas, another ostensibly likely forum for SPD automotive technology making a debut. Of course, it did not happen there either.

But no matter, I'm sure the regulars on the private board are quietly telling themselves. There's always the NAIAS in Detroit next month after all.

It's really a devilishly tempting logic behind the whole cycle of rumor. The key is that the rumors are always made big enough that, if they're actually borne out, it would render irrelevant the entire history of failed rumors of the past. Thus, we have a group of shareholders constantly on the hook, just one tantalizing rumor away from enormous wealth, constantly exciting themselves and each other over the possibility that the next one just might be the one that comes through for them.

P. T. Barnum would be proud.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So what was that all about?

REFR longs and supporters were feeling their oats for much of the past week as the share price surged past the momentarily stable level of around $5.50 up to a high of $6.82 on Friday. Since there were no new reported developments on any front, the assumption was that there was a leak of some kind of something that would be officially released in short order.

Then, one uneventful weekend later, the stock suddenly throws it into reverse, dropping as low as $5.55 on the following Tuesday.

So what was that all about? Darn good question. One clue is found on the REFR website, mentioning how Joe Harary had made a presentation to the Susquehanna Financial Group Emerging Trends Conference on Wednesday the 1st. That would certainly account for the timing of the spike but not really the magnitude. Supposedly these were somewhat sophisticated attendees ("fund managers, analysts, and others") at this conference, who you would think would hardly be the types to chase the stock up 25% on nothing more than a presentation from the CEO.

Were there false rumors of new releases? Were the Susquehanna attendees really that ham-handed in their buying of REFR? Were there some kind of expectations for the upcoming quarterly report that were remanded over the weekend? These and other questions... probably won't ever be answered fully. But it's still fun to ask them.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Back for seconds

REFR actually managed to pull of a bit of a surprise last week with their latest press release. Not with the subject referred to in the headline, which actually took second billing in the text of the release proper. Though I have to say I find it interesting that Joe Harary will spare no expense to go overseas and check up on the film supplier licensees, even though they have rarely if ever been the problem with the overall business model, yet apparently getting any kind of status update from end-product licensees like Steve Abadi's Innovative Glass, just a few miles down the road, is not within the company's budget.

No, the real highlight of the PR, smartly placed first despite not being the "headline" subject, is the decision of some of the investors from the August placement to step up and drop another $700K into REFR's coffers. This no doubt had to be a bit of a demoralizer for short sellers in REFR, who are now faced with unknown, anonymous benefactors who, for all they know, might be of a mind to fund the company indefinitely out of nothing more than spite for those betting against it. This, in my view, may have triggered some taking of profits on the short side, and the resultant upswing in share price. We will know more next week when the updated short interest figures are published.

Still, REFR officially has only one year of cash remaining as of now, meaning that if they want to avoid the "going concern" clause in the upcoming 10-K this winter, they need to find a home for about another 150,000 shares between now and December 31st. Just how willing and able are our new investors to keep things propped up? Only time will tell...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Getting under Second Skin

So SPD is getting shown off at yet another show. I suppose it's comforting to know that, in these times of financial uncertainty at the company, that management still knows how to stick to what works. That is, if you define "works" to mean, "doesn't trigger immediate public scorn or lead to the creation of new enemies of the company".

What's interesting (for relatively lax definitions of the term) about this particular display is that, rather than placing SPD as a technological marvel, as with the Smart Garage and Juno exhibits, this one caters to the arts crowd.

Admittedly, I am less than an expert on what excites the people who will go to this
kind of a show, so I can't assert positively that this is a bust in the making, but to my layman's eye, the SPD exhibit is pretty bland relative to some of the really off-the-wall stuff being paraded around at this show. Follow this slideshow to see what I mean.

Still, if the person who decided to sink $2 million to give this company one more chance at life is happy with how his or her money is being spent, who am I to argue?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A message board revolt?

Has something changed on the message boards? As one poster has just noted, the regular "strong-buy" contingent has not yet come back from the weekend. And it's not for a lack of anything to say -- that has certainly not stopped them before.

But even more striking was the appearance of an alias claiming to have participated in the group effort of promoting REFR on the message boards, not merely returning as a critic, but actually providing information on some of the happenings that went on behind-the-scenes among many of the shareholders closest to the company.

Most striking was the mention of a "letter of protest", dated just less than two years ago, with a litany of complaints about managements actions or lack thereof. Quoting the letter (my annotations in italics):

September 29, 2004

(Via E-Mail, Facsimile, and U.S. Mail)
Board of Directors
Research Frontiers Incorporated
240 Crossways Park Drive
Woodbury, New York 11797

Re: Shareholder Suggestions and Inquiries

Dear Directors:

As you are aware, Research Frontiers Incorporated ("RFI") benefits from a core group of extremely loyal shareholders who collectively own a sizable amount of the company's stock. These shareholders have communicated with each other over the years through a variety of forums to share perspectives and analysis of the prospects of the company and their investment in it. Forty-two of us, representing 725,357 shares and many more actual shareholders, are "co-signing" this letter. Should you require a detailed listing of us, we are amenable to providing that under separate cover.

For a considerable period of time, there has been a tone of ongoing frustration with the lack of discernable progress with the core technology and quantifiable progress with sales. This is only made worse by the ongoing oppression by short traders who appear to manipulate the stock almost at will.

As a result, considerable thought has been given to the formulation of a short list identifying our suggestions and inquiries for the company. The following represents a summary of the items that received widespread support from the group.

- RFI should provide a meaningful update on emulsion and/or film production.

(The updates came, in the form of dates of expected delivery, but these came and went with neither action nor explanation; if anything, beyond the date, was another date.)

- RFI should solicit acceptable, printable comments from any and/or all of its licensees relative to their work with SPD.

(That would probably have been amusing had it been done. I suspect the result would have been a medley of "Who are you again?", "Are you ever going to get back to us on...?", and "Kiss off!".)

- RFI should set realistic goals with estimated timelines for accomplishment, state these publicly, and base future compensation for key employees, at least in part, on measurable results.

(That would presume they had any control over the progress of any "accomplishments", or any desire to do so.)

- RFI should differentiate between income from license fees and income that is actually attributable to sales in excess of minimum fees. RFI can do this anonymously.

(In a way, they were already doing this. In the fourth quarter of 2002, REFR "recorded a small amount of royalty income related to sales of licensed products by its licensees ... which exceeded their minimum annual royalty payments." Since this language has not been used since, by implication, this circumstance has not recurred.)

- RFI should publicly declare its intentions to generously reward shareholders through future dividends A) as incentive for current shareholders not to sell, and B) to stimulate new investors to buy.

(This one is rather comical on the letter writers' part. Tell us what we want to hear, even if you don't really mean it, they seem to be saying.)

- RFI should offer a private placement to shareholders in lieu of continued dilution through Ailouros as we believe this practice risks making shares available to shorts in addition to diluting the value of our investments.

(At least there was no further dilution through Ailouros, as they, like Ramius before them and Stark afterward, declined to be the front for any more stock sales. And REFR had the built-in excuse of regulatory issues related to such a sale.)

- RFI should explain what actions, if any, have been taken regarding the investigation of illegal shorting of its stock and the current status of those efforts.

(It's actually a bit surprising that REFR has never attempted to hop back on that bandwagon, given how much press that group has been getting lately. I guess it just goes to show that some things are too low even for this group.)

We hereby formally submit our concerns to the company and hope to receive the courtesy of a thorough and prompt response. You may do so by e-mailing such to the attention of . The response will then be forwarded to all co-signers of this letter.

We wish to congratulate the company on its recent license agreements and look forward to announcements of actual and significant implementations of SPD technology in the near future.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.


Concerned Shareholders

In the words of our correspondent the letter "didn't do squat. Harary just spewed the same old BS non-answers the company always has." As I have noted, they did get a little bit of what they asked for, but of course, not what they actually wanted.

Stay tuned for the reply from REFR's message board supporters, if and when they ever show up again.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Lowering the bar on raising funds

No doubt Joe Harary would have liked to wait longer before pulling the trigger on the latest round of financing. Selling just over one-quarter of the two million registered shares, yielding only about seven months' worth of additional capital, has to be more than a little embarassing. But with cash having dwindled to approximately $1.5 million, and no institutional interest whatsoever, it basically came down to "take what you can and hope something develops soon".

It's really almost a case of "why bother". REFR still had a million shares (give or take) left over from the last round of financing, meaning that the current round of registered shares effectively went completely unsold. Meanwhile, the cash infusion puts them back to where they were at the start of last February, meaning they're essentially right back on the fund-raising trail almost right away.

Then again, if you could find people willing to front you $2 million no matter how abysmal your track record and regardless of your complete and utter lack of plans for the money other than "pay yourself a mid-six-figure salary while waiting for someone else to make money for the company", would you turn them down?

See you in October for the ramp up of film production at Hitachi... whether it actually happens or not. Bulletins if anything happens in the meantime, of course. But I wouldn't count on it.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Falkner Follies; Stark Exits Stage Left

This blog last mentioned R. J. Falkner and its research relationship with a number of rather dubious public companies in June of last year. For over a year afterwards, no updates had been forthcoming on Falkner's coverage of REFR. Given the policy as stated on Falkner's research front page that updates typically occur about 3-9 months apart, it seemed reasonable to conclude that Falkner and REFR had had a parting of the ways.

Then last week, a message board posted stumbled across links to a new Falkner research report on REFR. You can scan the content of the report for yourself if you like; it's mostly a regurgitating of every self-promotional effort REFR has made over the past ten years. But what is interesting is the fact that this report is not as yet linked to the website's front page as the other companies' reports are, while the old report has been taken down in place of a stub that gives an executive summary of Falkner's ever-glowing evaluation of REFR, but with next-to-nothing in the way of detail.

One item of interest in the as-yet-unlinked report is a revamped list of the top institutional investors. Most of these are institutions with total-market index funds, meaning they invest in just about anything on the listed markets, which, as of yet, still includes REFR. But the list is already out of date: the top institution on the list, Botti Brown, just reported having sold 150,000 shares, more than half their March 31st position, dropping them to third on the list, while the #4 top holder, Stark Investments (they of the placement in February 2005), has sold out their position entirely. Rather pathetically, only ten institutions now report holding more than 1,000 shares of REFR, and of those, only three have fewer than 2,500 positions (in other words, the other seven very likely hold REFR as part of an indexing).

With apparently less than six months of operating capital left, it's really starting to get down to crunch time in REFR's efforts to gain new funding. Will Falkner's report help them out? We can only wait and see...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Go in peace. SPD no more.

Remember the Church of Pinnacle Hills, the showcase project that was supposed to kick off frenetic demand for SPD in the architectural market?

Well, apparently the fine folk of northwestern Arkansas have given SPD a "get thee behind me" and elected to use electrochromic glass from SAGE Electrochromics instead, as per a recent article on the construction project.

This is not a huge surprise given the revelation that SPD film products had only started in June and even then only in trial amounts. Nevertheless, it must grate long-suffering shareholders to see the feather in the cap go to a rival that not long ago they had dismissed as hopelessly behind them in terms of reaching commercialization.

Meanwhile, back on the message boards, promotional activity has seemingly dwindled to just a very small number of aliases. Furthermore, the ratings from the new "star" system for posts skew dramatically in favor of bearish posts, strongly indicating that the bears hanging out on the board now heavily outnumber the bulls. (Either that, or most of the bulls haven't yet figured out how to enter ratings.) And the one promotional poster that is remaining active is frankly going just a little off the deep end, forecasting, for example, a buyout in excess of one billion dollars for REFR (more than 15 times the current market cap).

Is this a sign that the whole operation is quietly winding down? Stay tuned.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Production confirmed... yawn...

Frankly I didn't think the presentation at this year's annual meeting contained anything even worth a post to this blog, but the sheer determination of a handful of people to make a big deal out of it has been impressive enough for me to make a note of it.

So. Annual meeting 2006. June 8, 2006. Attending the meeting are Shigeo Sase, a general manager at Hitachi Chemical and Anthony Pirro of DIC Trading, the sales/marketing arm of Dainippon Ink and Chemical. (This Mr. Pirro is not of any known relation to the Pirro brothers of NYC-area tax evasion infamy.)

Mr. Pirro revealed an extremely minimal SPD production installation at Dainippon, with "plans to increase production". Mr. Sase's presentation was somewhat more specific, advertising "plans" for production capacity increases in October of this year, and much larger increase in October of next year.

Of course, plans are nothing if not subject to change. No doubt SPD Inc. had big plans in its day.

But what should have struck observant viewers was what was not said, and who was not there. Where, one might ask, were the representatives of the companies actually licensed to sell products based on SPD to the general public and/or companies outside REFR's immediate sphere of influence? Where were the plans for products once all this film is available? Who's placing the orders for this film?

A month and a half has now passed and still nothing has surfaced indicating that anyone has anything they particularly want SPD film for, other than make sample kits that show off how neat SPD is. Which you would not think would bode well for REFR, as its cash slows bleeds away, mostly into the pockets of the management that has been living off it for decades.

So we continue to wait for something, anything, to happen.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Having more un than a blogger should be allowed to have

Just wanted note the coining of a new term to describe companies that, despite having no track record of earnings whatsoever, paradoxically get promoted on the basis of their "fundamentals".

The term is "undamentals", and credit goes to the person postings as xavierducats on the Yahoo! REFR message board. By xavier's own admission, the term was born of a typo, but is such an accurate description I heartily advocate its adoption for broader use.

Just goes to show that you never know where the next source of entertainment from this stock's story will come from.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Beyond the mountains, more BS

One enterprising reader with more tolerance for empty rhetoric than this blogger recently pointed out a particularly strained analogy in the latest REFR annual report. Quoting the correspondent's account of the report (the actual report is, almost predictably, not yet available on the REFR website):
"There is a Hatian(sic) proverb: "Beyound the mountains are more mountains." This proverb applies to most companies involved in bringing a new technology to market. In R&D, after one issue is resolved, others sometimes arise. It is appropriate to note that Haiti is an island nation, so that eventually, with perseverance and hard work, the mountains will end, the goal is reached, and smooth sailing across the ocean of opportunity can begin."
Notice how Harary actually turns the proverb completely on its head. The proverb speaks to how life always has another challenge to throw at you. Harary's vision is one of a switch flipping someday (soooooon!!) and all of REFR's challenges suddenly coming to an end, replaced by effortless perpetual cash flow.

Sorry, but that's the talk of a shyster.

Theoretical down-the-road challenges for REFR are legion. Conventional electrochromics by such companies as Gentex have already beaten SPD heads-up in the automotive and aeronautical market. Liquid crystal-based technology is always lurking. And there are plenty of wildcards out there like the material the Huskies are developing.

Then there's REFR's patent protection, which grows more questionable by the day. Shareholders have often been heard gloating at other companies receiving patents based on Harary's old patents (or in some cases, merely mentioning SPD in passing as a theoretically possible component of their invention), calling it proof of how interested in SPD companies are. Not occurring to them, apparently, is how those patents give the companies receiving them a nominal claim on the technology itself. And then there's the matter of whether REFR can even afford to fight a patent dispute. The upshot of all of this being that REFR may in fact have lost control of its own technology.

Of course, all that would remain to be seen in a patent court, and that won't happen until there's actually something to fight over.

As an amusing footnote, another correspondent produced a quote from Robert Saxe, citing the exact same Haitian proverb with the exact same twisting into the opposite meaning, dated 1993. Thirteen years later, and REFR's still sitting on the same mountain.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Give a hoot, don't dilute!

REFR bowed to the inevitable Friday, filing an S-3 with the SEC to register another two million shares of common stock for sale. In combination with the one million shares unsold from the previous filing, that represents more than 20% potential dilution to its investors, should REFR successfully recapitalize themselves in the next eight months. Of course, if they don't, that will be even worse for its investors.

Of course, whether there will be any takers this time around is another issue. In REFR's favor, there's a better economy about and investment dollars are flowing a bit more freely. Against them, their track record of failure is a little bit longer and a little bit more public. Fortunately for them, the recent high volumes suggest that they have successfully moved Stark Investments out of the picture and thus set up a clean slate for the next suc... er, institutional investor.

As P. T. Barnum would put it, an institutional investor is born every minute, so hope remains that Bob and Joe will find someone out in the big, wide world sufficiently naive to the REFR story that they will be reeled in. (Even though Stark seems to have made out all right in the end, it's unlikely we will see them coming back for seconds, especially after the 50% haircut they were staring down at one point.)

Time will tell.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A paucity of capacity

In an uncharacteristically helpful gesture on their part, the mangement of REFR issued an 8-K filing presenting the highlights of this afternoon's conference call. Specifically, they pointed out information that could be considered "new" for disclosure purposes. All of it, interestingly, concerned the progress of film licensee Hitachi Chemical, which had not been officially heard from in some time, despite being touted as being in the lead in terms of production progress.

Hitachi was reported to have a production line capable of producing film about 19 inches in width (narrower than the film Dainippon was reported to have produced), with a second line due to be activated later this year. The second line was said to be planning widths "in excess of one meter", with an expected capacity "measured in the tens of thousands of square feet per month".

Wow, that's... not very much. Let's run a little math, shall we?

We'll start by making some very generous assumptions:

  • End-product licensees will be able to command $30 a square foot for the film, and sell out the full capacity of the new line.
  • The capacity of the new line is 50,000 square feet per month (it could easily be half that and the announcement would not be misleading)
  • REFR will collect royalties on 10% of the cost of the film (on most products the royalty cut is 5% of the sale price, we'll be generous and assume SPD to only be half the cost of the product).

Given that extremely favorable set of assumptions, the annual revenue to REFR would come to $1.8 million a year, or less than half the company's expenses. Throw in the original line, whose capacity is presumably not "in the tens of thousands of square feet per month", and you get to maybe $2.2 million a year.

Naturally, the mathematically-challeged SPDiots are already counting their cash dividends.

Bottom line, even making an almost comically optimistic set of assumptions, there is still no apparent path to break even cash flow in the foreseeable future for REFR. And when you add a dose of reality to the mix, in the form of management's chronic tendency to grossly underdeliver, and it quickly begins to resemble business as usual in Woodbury.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Stop and go trading

Just wanted to remark on the heavy trading volume in REFR, the largest in ten years, over one million shares. Clearly something is up, but what exactly that is remains a mystery. At least for three more days, as the "big news" triggering today's upsurge was the announcement of the company's annual conference call, scheduled for this Thursday afternoon (a full three weeks after the filing it is supposed to discuss).

Even more odd is the intraday trading pattern. Effectively, there was basically no volume until just a little before 10:00am ET, a half-hour into the session. Then the price spiked in a matter of moments, only to quickly settle up about 10% up from the previous close. Then heavy trading kicked in for about 90 minutes, after which, just as suddenly, the trading all but came to a halt. No, it was not an official halt; rather, it was just the traders in the stock spontaneously walking away from it. About 45 minutes later it resumed, only to take another 15 minute break a half hour later. After that came relatively steady trading through to an active close.

To the casual observer, who in a couple of weeks will only have access to the daily volume totals, this will no doubt come off as an establishment of widespread bullish interest in REFR. But between you and me, reader, this "interest" is about as natural as Velveeta.

Regardless of what I think, one thing is clear, and that is that something of interest to REFR, one way or another, is going to come out on Thursday. I'm staying on record that it's some kind of upper management change, most likely the very-due retirement of founder Bob Saxe, but I admit that's more gut instinct than anything else. At any rate, whatever it is, we shall soon see.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Uh oh, Asensio!

As if the past week were not eventful enough for a company notable primarily for its dormancy over the past couple of years, an old acquaintance of REFR's, the research firm Asensio and Company, has broken a nearly four-year silence on the company's continued failure to produce results of any kind. The firm, which, depending on who you talk to, may or may not maintain a connection with its namesake founder, controversial short-seller (a phrase about as redundant these days as "tall basketball player") Manuel Asensio, issued two brief reports Thursday summarizing the total failure the company has been over the years, referencing, as noted here first, the questionable lack of a "going concern" clause in the recent 10-K filing, and hypothesizing that the company's ability to raise funds to pay its management's comfortable salaries may be nearing an end.

Reaction to the reports was swift and predictable. It was noted that the report stated that REFR has been trying to sell SPD glass for years, when in fact it has not been trying to do any such thing. So apparently the primary objection to the report is that it gives REFR too much credit.

Other various charges were hurled at Mr. Asensio himself, none worth the dignifying that spelling them out here would give them. Suffice it to say that even, your one-stop shop for ad hominem attacks on various short-sellers including Asensio, is thus far not touching them.

Seems like everything old is new again, in REFR land.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Stock rally -- some assembly required

Normally, when a small, unregarded company suddenly releases "BIG BIG" news in the morning, the result is a giant upsurge in volume and large run-up in price (at least in the near term).

Leave it to REFR to put even that basic process into slow motion.

On Monday, REFR announced that licensee Dainippon had updated their license to include production of film (previously, they were only licensed to produce badly-outdated SPD emulsions). This astounding developement led to a large upsurge in volume... on Tuesday, and large spike in the price of REFR... on Wednesday.

However that managed to happen, the whole effect comes off as hideously unnatural. Furthermore, with the tight wraps the company keeps on its stock, it's all but a lock that the company has a good idea who was involved in all that trading on Tuesday. Will the rest of us ever be let in on the secret? Your guess is as good as mine.

Regardless, yet another rally has been blunted right at the $5.00 mark that has dominated this stock since last February's offering. So some things, apparently, have not yet changed.

Meanwhile... an old acquaintance has returned to the scene after a lengthy absence. More on that Monday.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

BAMASS Surprised at Latest REFR PR

The Bashers' and Manipulators' Association (BAMASS) announced that it was surprised by Research Frontiers, when the latter put out its first news release in five months this morning, announcing that Japan's Dainippon Ink and Chemical had expanded its license to produce SPD emulsions, to include production of SPD film.

Bill Asher, spokesman for BAMASS, announced, "This PR was rather startling. We had previously thought that Dainippon was already fully licensed to produce film. We now have our researchers scanning the licensee lists for other instances of licensees with outdated licenses whose updating could presage further press releases." There are currently no other licensees listed as being licensed for emulsion but not film.

Asher went on to add, "I have full confidence that Dainippon will make just as much use of their new license as they did with their emulsion license."

Friday, March 31, 2006

Eight weeks a month

REFR bulls have rallied behind a CNET article by editor at-large Michael Kanellos. The article heavily quotes John Petraglia, CEO of SPD Control Systems, noted previously as yet another in a line of cookie-cutter REFR licensees which come out of nowhere, make a little noise to get a few people excited, then vanish to leave nothing but their name on REFR's burgeoning list of licensees. In a shocking development, Petraglia spoke optimistically of the technology his company is licensed to sell.

Besides the amusingly obscure mention of Leminur, which apparently does exist after all, only now under a different name, and no particular favoritism to SPD or REFR, the highlight of the article appears to be the very beginning of the article, wherein Kanellos writes: "Smart Glass, which will be shown off and discussed more fully in about eight weeks...".

Bulls in REFR have gone nuts trying to parse exactly what that refers to. So far the consensus on the message boards appears to be that the article foreshadows a major development of some kind within the next month. (Hey, eight weeks, one month, who's counting?) Critics responded by yawning and hitting the snooze button, knowing full well that asking any of the bulls for any sort of clarification on what they mean is a waste of time.

Meanwhile, with only nine months or so before the cash runs out, the heat is decidedly on for REFR to find some source of cash infusion to keep the lights on. Given the usual regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared, things need to start happening pretty soon if they're going to make it. So next month way well be interesting to watch. Unless, of course, it isn't.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Out with the old?

Research Frontiers, ever full of surprises (or full of something, anyway), submitted its 10-K for fiscal year 2005 yesterday, a full two days ahead of the deadline. For the year, they amassed $138,742 in "fee income", the lowest level since 1999. (Ironic that the stock should have done so well that year!)

One point of interest that has come up is the assertion that REFR will have sufficient funds to make it into Q1 2007 without additional funding (a necessary assertion to avoid the dreaded "going concern" clause in their filing).

But elsewhere in the filing, the numbers don't quite add up to support that claim. Cash as of the end of 2005 was pegged at $3,644,685, while "net cash used in operating activites" for 2005 was $3,920,835. The same figure in 2004 was slightly less than $3.64 million, but that included a non-repeating cash gain from the remnants of SPD Inc.

Any way you cut it, the company, as it is, seems to come up a little bit short of being able to make it to years' end solvent. Presumably, then, REFR has some kind of plan to cut costs to allow themslves to stretch their cash out until December.

Given that the details of how REFR spends its cash are a bit murky to say the least, it's hard to speculate just where the cuts might come, but one sizeable item suggests itself.

Chairman, founder and director Robert Saxe has devoted 40 years to... well, whatever it is REFR does, and by all standards figures to be ready to move on to an enjoyable retirement. (Paid for by... well, let's not go there today.) If Saxe were to announce his retirement at the annual meeting this year, that would, based on his 2004 salary, trim roughly $250,000 from REFR's expenses for the year. In and of itself that's still not quite enough, but that gets the target into range, wherein a simple matter of deferring a couple of payables by a month or two, or maybe a handful of exercises of cheap stock options, gets them across the December 31st finish line intact.

So could that be it? Could this be Saxe's last ride? Will this officially become Joe Harary's company before the year is out? And if so, will Harary display the same kind of, er, patience as Saxe has over the years? Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A message board retrospective

Bill Wexler, longtime follower of what he bluntly refers to as "the REFR stock fraud", is back with a new retrospective on the follies posted to the Yahoo! REFR message board.

By way of editorial comment, I should note that there really is not much remarkable about overly optimistic posts from the year 2000, particularly during the spring and summer, when the reality of the bear market hadn't really set in yet.

What is remarkable, though, is that even to this day, you see the same kind of talk, from mostly the same people (even as the aliases have changed over time), backed up by the same utter lack of results from the company. The only difference, really, is that the stock has not gotten crushed as badly in more recent years. Time will tell if the line can continue to hold long enough to the company to place the next round of shares at a useful price.

Anyway, with that as prologue, please join me at the summit as we ski down REFR Hubris Mountain. Take care though, it does hit double-diamond in spots...

"Buy REFR, it's the best buy on the market and has more potential than any other stock I know of..."
-- February 17, 2000. REFR closing price: $38 5/8 (all-time high close)

"I just wish REFR would pull back one more time (maybe mid 20's?) so I can pick up another few thousand shares. Then it's off to the outer-banks for unlimited Coronas and hot crab balls..."
-- February 22, 2000. Closing price: $37

"I'm going to buy waterfront in the islands with all the money I'm gonna make on REFR..."

-- March 28, 2000. Closing price: $34 1/2

"There are not a whole hell of a lot of customer sell orders out there, people are holding..."

-- March 30, 2000. Closing price: $31 1/2

"I think we bagged the elephant..."
-- March 31, 2000. Closing price: $29 1/2

"This stock is headed to the moon soon..."

-- April 7, 2000. Closing price: $27 3/4

"There are no shares for sale - you are a dead duck..."
-- July 28, 2000. Closing price: $25 1/16

"There are no shares for sale - you are a dead duck..."
-- August 2, 2000. Closing price: $23 1/16

"Recent scale up by emulsion suppliers, advanced commercialization by licensees and hiring of new employees to handle new licensee applications all points to this occurring. That is why longs are not selling..."
-- August 15, 2000. Closing price: $22

"I bought 1000 additional shares this morning...I have been accumulating since 1998...The company has never looked better or more grossly undervalued..."

-- August 21, 2001. Closing price: $20.80

"NO ONE is selling! Too many GOOD things happening with licensees..."

-- January 7, 2002. Closing price: $19.00

"Why the Shorts will lose a lot of money..."

-- February 22, 2002. Closing price: $17.30

-- April 8, 2002. Closing price: $16.80

"Shorts Defeated Again..."
-- May 15, 2002. Closing price: $15.29

"The LONGS aren't selling!!!"
-- June 1, 2002. Closing price: $13.81

"There's no fundamental reason to sell. SPD products are still coming out..."
-- July 9, 2002. Closing price: $12.50

"But if I were a trader where do I see the biggest gain? LONG!"

-- August 22, 2002. Closing price: $11.35

"Asensio and his CONSPIRATORS are going to be here until LONGS decide to sell.
...and THAT doesn't look like ANYTIME BELOW $50 a share!!!"

-- August 23, 2002. Closing price: $10.35

-- September 9, 2002. Closing price: $9.60

"YOU are TRAPPED IN REFR, because YOU CAN'T get LONGS to sell!!!"
-- January 10, 2003. Closing price: $8.60

"Where are the promised windows? What kind of stupid question is that?"

-- January 31, 2003. Closing price: $7.34

-- February 28, 2003. Closing price: $6.70

"Longs are BUYING, NOT SELLING!!!"
-- March 19, 2003. Closing price: $5.66

And now a lengthy coast to the lodge and the present day, where we see...

The price going down represents to us just one more (maybe the last) opportunity to own one of the great technologies of all time at a bargain price.
-- January 26, 2006. Closing price: $4.99

Do tell.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Kooks and Kabura

Ostensibly, it has been a dormant start to 2006 for our favorite patent licensing company. No new licensees, no public announcements, and still no word on when the big-name licensees would be ready to produce second-generation SPD film in quantity.

But you would not know this from reading the Yahoo! REFR message board.

The titter all this month on that board has been over a description of the 2006 Mazda Kabura concept car which included the statement, "Overhead portions of the glass have adjustable tinting so that the driver can twist a knob on bright days to change the roof’s opacity, as desired, from clear to completely opaque."

Well our favorite investors put two and two together and -- news flash! -- decided that the adjustable tinting material in question must be SPD. Never mind small details such as the windows being reported as going "completely opaque", a characteristic never ascribed to SPD.

Eventually, however, it was confirmed that the material in question was in fact SPD. And when I say "confirmed", I mean that an anonymous alias posted a message asserting, without evidence, that it was confirmed. Meanwhile, someone posted an article from the British Channel 4 website which asserted that the Kabura's roof was in fact "electrochromatic". This all led to an amusing discussion over the distinction between "electrochromic" and "electrochromatic", whether those terms were inclusive or exclusive of SPD, and which of them was the proper expansion of the shorthand "EC". Needless to say, nothing was resolved on any of those scores.

What we do know is this: neither Mazda nor REFR nor any source outside of the message boards has ever once mentioned any relationship between SPD and the Kabura. Mind you, all of those can and have been rationalized away: Mazda is being secretive (about an auto show display?!), REFR may be contractually barred from publicizing (people are on to them!), and the press is lazy (somehow it became their job to do REFR's publicity for them).

But by this time it's a moot point. By the time you read this, the Detroit International Auto Show will have closed. Any press release at this point asserting that the adjustable tint material was in fact SPD will be completely after the fact and therefore ineffective for publicity purposes.

Worse still, such a release would call to mind the Jeep Rescue debacle from the 2004 Detroit auto show. It would mean that twice in a span of two years, an auto company was so underwhelmed by SPD in practice that they deliberately avoided reference to it even
though it was in plain sight. The last time that happened, the major supplier of film shut down a few months later.

Frankly, were I a REFR shareholder, I'd rather forget the whole thing.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's scorecard review

2005 proved to be an active year for REFR after (by REFR's standards), as progress was arguably made towards no less than two of the twelve items on the REFR announcement scorecard. "Plans" were announced by Isoclima to introduce film into the market, in conjunction with their demo display at an Italian glass show in early October. Then, soon thereafter, details came to light regarding a church construction project in Arkansas, which, as things stand, is currently slated to incorporate SPD window shading. Whether that actually comes off as planned remains to be seen, and then there's the question of what qualifies as a "major" architectural project. Since there has been no announcement as such, we can't really give them a "yes" on that one yet anyway, but it is something that may be showing up in the coming weeks.

On the downside, the jumbo jet announcement looks dead, and the marine and automotive markets look very distant. And of course, as things stand, the money is scheduled to run out just about one year from right now, so more share dilution is on the way, assuming they can find someone to front for them for the next round. But that's the fun of this: even with a company as predictably unproductive as this one, there's still so much that manages to remain shrouded in mystery. Let's watch and see what 2006 brings to Woodbury. shall we?