Monday, April 25, 2005

Messing with the wrong people

So the debate on the board today seems to be about fears of repercussion from companies being criticized. Right now it isn't an issue with me, since I seem to be essentially writing to an audience of one at the moment, but nevertheless I doubt this blog will get Joe Harary seeking me out so he can put me on his Christmas card list.

It's interesting that there's much debate at all on this issue. I mean, haven't we seen the rise of "anti-SLAPP" legislation because companies were making trouble for critics in order to shut them up? Hasn't the company admitted hiring "former prosecutors" to investigate certain of its critics awhile back? (Either "too long ago to matter", or "due for some results anytime now", depending on which story the promoters are trying to sell.)

Maybe not the most fascinating topic ever, but the sight of the stock price setting in the west is speaking pretty well for everything else at the moment.

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