Thursday, December 15, 2005

Boeing Boeing Gone... this time for good

The mystery of the Boeing 787 dimmable windows is over. The funny thing is, everybody was wrong. But it is the shareholders of REFR that wind up with coal in their stock(ings), as ever.

Neither Jamco, nor the University of Washington, nor REFR will be seeing their product take flight on the windows of the Dreamliner. Rather, PPG Aerospace has been selected to provide the windows, much as they have provided windows for prior incarnations of the 7x7 aircraft series.

No doubt, supporters of REFR are working on some way in which REFR might somehow get in on the action, but, given that PPG surely has demonstrated the technology they will use, and that they are most definitely not one of REFR's licensees, it appears that this avenue of promotion for REFR is once and for all time closed.

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