Monday, May 08, 2006

Give a hoot, don't dilute!

REFR bowed to the inevitable Friday, filing an S-3 with the SEC to register another two million shares of common stock for sale. In combination with the one million shares unsold from the previous filing, that represents more than 20% potential dilution to its investors, should REFR successfully recapitalize themselves in the next eight months. Of course, if they don't, that will be even worse for its investors.

Of course, whether there will be any takers this time around is another issue. In REFR's favor, there's a better economy about and investment dollars are flowing a bit more freely. Against them, their track record of failure is a little bit longer and a little bit more public. Fortunately for them, the recent high volumes suggest that they have successfully moved Stark Investments out of the picture and thus set up a clean slate for the next suc... er, institutional investor.

As P. T. Barnum would put it, an institutional investor is born every minute, so hope remains that Bob and Joe will find someone out in the big, wide world sufficiently naive to the REFR story that they will be reeled in. (Even though Stark seems to have made out all right in the end, it's unlikely we will see them coming back for seconds, especially after the 50% haircut they were staring down at one point.)

Time will tell.

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