Wednesday, March 05, 2008


REFR announced the signing of a new licensee last night, GKN Aerospace of Garden Grove, CA. GKN is licensed to sell "armored" SPD glass in various vehicle markets.

No doubt this is about to give the stock another juicing just as last week's effort was in full retreat and on the verge of unraveling entirely. Whether GKN will have any more success in marketing SPD than any other licensee remains highly debatable, of course, but, with the at least theoretical markets GKN may market SPD towards, at least REFR now has something to keep its highly excitable shareholder base enthralled through the annual report and shareholder's meeting.

And so the cycle begins anew.

Update: It looks like the traders in this stock are determined to make a liar out of me, as it didn't take more than a few minutes for the initial enthusiasm to dry up and revert to the recent pattern of downtrending most of the day. Of course, there's the equally patterned final hour surge to come, so shareholder's hopes that they will be able to say something came of this news aren't dead yet. Still, it's a bit telling that even meets with considerable skepticism when it declares REFR "In Play".

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