Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Another 10-Q already?

Man, where does the time go. $170k in revenues this quarter, more than half of that coming from the Hitachi deal. That's got to make a company feel good, being the source of more than half another company's revenue, especially if you have yet to see any benefit for your money.

Apart from REFR making good on $75,000 worth of its promise to support SPD Control Systems, and managing to shave quarterly cash burn back to the low $900,000s, the only other standout item was a $3 million investment in US Treasuries.

Not to say that's irresponsible or anything, but... you really know you're dealing with a dynamic, cutting edge technology company when they can't think of anything more productive to do with half of their cash than throw it into T-Bills. Again, I'm sure this is exactly the kind of activity Hitachi had in mind for their yen.

Same time next quarter then?

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