Thursday, June 12, 2008

Land of the spree, home of the knave

It's getting close to Annual Meeting time once again for REFR, and there's two items of note this year around. Firstly, we have our fairly regular token shareholder rebellion, as described by a message board poster going by stanedel, who is urging a "no" vote on the re-election of board members (Bob Saxe and Robert Budin this year), and a "yes" vote on a proposal for more transparency on licensee activity, at least in an aggregate sense.

Both efforts are of course doomed to fail horribly, of course (such tends to be the case at most public companies), but as a certain gumball-machine-like automoton once said, sometimes a lost cause is the only one worth fighting for.

For management's part, they seem to be prepared to counter with the latest iteration of the report on the glass industry from the Freedonia Marketing Group (in case you were wondering about the picture, not to mention the article title, they're both from "Duck Soup", staged in the fictional country of Freedonia. Yes, a bit of a stretch, but work with me here) . Freedonia reports have been cited by REFR as evidence of growth potential for quite a while now, and conveniently just prior to annual meetings.

So, even as we head towards summer, the forecast remains one of a heavy snow job with no satisfaction for shareholders in sight.

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