Monday, October 06, 2008

Never a recession for empty gestures

Even as business in the real world seems to be crumbling, "business" as practiced by REFR is hopping. First of all was Isoclima's perennial return to the trade show spotlight. The wording of that PR, saying that Smart Glass was "featured" in the display is reminiscent of other showcases where a rather substantial number of items were "featured", such as the Smart Garage, the EPCOT Juno exhibit, the Second Skin art exhibit.

Not content with that, however, REFR today announced a new licensee to replace outgoing NV Baekert, this one being Pittsburgh Glass Works. I'm not sure what this says about progress at REFR's other Western Pennsylvania glass manufacturer licensee (probably nothing we all hadn't already guessed), but I guess when a count of licensees is your biggest asset you get them wherever you can.

I just hope PGW read their exit clause before signing on.

Of course the irony is that the market is selling REFR off with the rest of the world, so this press is all wasted effort. Unless, of course, something actually comes of it this time. Ha ha.


Anonymous said...

'Scuse me but the real story was PPG Aerospace announcing that they will be providing Gentex electrochromic window shades for the Beechcraft Kingair 350i.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating. Thou protesteth a bit too much and for way too many years in such an organized, cross-referenced manner. A bit TOO impressive I think.

Mike in Virginia