Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Perfectionism or plodding?

The new excuses for delays are coming out just in time to act as a preventative against an uprising at the annual shareholder meeting. Not that such is particularly likely with the placid lot that usually shows up, but an ounce of prevention and all that.

At any rate, the new excuse, now that setbacks from SPD Inc.'s shutdown have passed their "use by" date, is that the licensees are just so gosh darn particular about making sure that the SPD they produce is perfect, and how can we ask them to deliver anything but the very best they can possibly produce?

But of course. Just ask Microsoft, who never releases anything unless it's perfect the first time. (Note to Type 3's: that's sarcasm.)

Back in the real world, if demand for SPD is as colossal as the promoters would make it seem, then surely some segment of that demand would be willing to compromise on quality in return for getting it now. But apparently the SPD demand curve doesn't work that way. It certainly begs the question of whether the issue isn't reaching "perfection" as much as "acceptability".

But not to worry, I'm sure they'll have it all sorted out in three months. Mind you, which three months, we still don't know.

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