Thursday, June 09, 2005

This time last year

While we wait on the "official" report on this year's annual shareholder meeting, a quick look on the events of the last meeting 52 weeks ago.

On that day, REFR stock hit new lows -- the lows that are today's 52-week highs. (Now that's what I call a bad year.) Even worse is this opening paragraph to the initial report on the meeting as given on the message boards:

"First, no major news. Second, few new details. Third, both management and shareholders' discussion indicate everyone is waiting for the next shoe to drop viz. Hitachi, Dainippon Ink and Air Products to deliver film in scaled up sizes and amounts for the marketplace and the word soon was mentioned twice."

As opposed to today, where we have 1) no major news, 2) few new details, and 3) everyone waiting on Hitachi, Dainippon and Air Products.

Great year, guys. I hope one of the quality hedge funds showed up to give you an earful.

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